Rogue Changes in 3.3.3

Still getting used to this wordpress thing, took me 45 minutes to fix the fount issue, not sure if its completely fixed so if you know how to fix it let me know 🙂


  • Deadly Poison: In addition to its existing effects, when a rogue applies Deadly Poison to a target which has already reached the maximum number of applications, this will also trigger the poison which the rogue is using on his or her other weapon.
  • Dual Wield: Rogues now know this ability upon logging into the game at level 1.
  • Stealth: This ability no longer has multiple ranks. While active, the single rank of this ability (available at level 1) allows rogues to move at 70% movement speed.
  • Talents
  • Assassination

    • Improved Poisons: Bonus chance to trigger Deadly Poison from this talent increased.
    • Murder: This talent now provides a flat damage increase of 2/4% against all targets, instead of only targets which do not appear in Icecrown.

  • Subtlety

    • Preparation: The cooldown on this ability has been reduced to 8 minutes, down from 10 minutes.
    • Filthy Tricks: The cooldown reduction this talent provides for Preparation has been reduced to 1.5/3 minutes, down from 2.5/5 minutes. “

    With the changes still being in “testing” none of these are final till they go live. Ill go over each change and give my thoughts and critique accordingly.

    Deadly Poison: In addition to its existing effects, when a rogue applies Deadly Poison to a target which has already reached the maximum number of applications, this will also trigger the poison which the rogue is using on his or her other weapon.”

    Such a great buff to the assassin tree and the class in general. In pvp this allows you to use wound/deadly much more effectively, its almost as if you did have double wound. Right now on the PTR i have been using wound/deadly and i still apply crippling. poison at almost a identical rate. Its also nice to have envenom useful in pvp again.

    Dual Wield: Rogues now know this ability upon logging into the game at level 1.”

    About bloody time! That is all.

    “Stealth: This ability no longer has multiple ranks. While active, the single rank of this ability (available at level 1) allows rogues to move at 70% movement speed.”

    You could call this a buff, reason being is that you have one rank which is the highest rank of stealth at a starting lvl. Meaning you can sneak by things a lot easier, even horde while lvling.

    Improved Poisons: Bonus chance to trigger Deadly Poison from this talent increased.”

    Combine this with deadly having a chance to proc your other poison you get a crazy proc rate of both poisons going off at a time. In turn it will up your pve dps and you pvp damage, along with apply the poisons you need.

    Murder: This talent now provides a flat damage increase of 2/4% against all targets, instead of only targets which do not appear in Icecrown.”

    Honestly one thing i hate about blizzard is that they take for ever to change things that the community have been asking for from WOTLK launch. Now that its done, your damage will be 4% higher now.

    Preparation: The cooldown on this ability has been reduced to 8 minutes, down from 10 minutes.”

    This was changed due to the fact they are not allowing any cooldowns in 3.3.3 with a base CD of 10 minutes to be used in arena. ( “All abilities that have base cooldowns of 10 minutes or longer cannot be used in Arenas, down from 15 minutes.” ) For us this is a great buff it allows us to use preparation 2 minutes earlier, which means all those times you wish you had prep just a few minutew before hand you now have.

    Filthy Tricks: The cooldown reduction this talent provides for Preparation has been reduced to 1.5/3 minutes, down from 2.5/5 minutes. “

    Filthy Tricks: The cooldown reduction this talent provides for Preparation has been reduced to 1.5/3 minutes, down from 2.5/5 minutes. “

    This was only changed due to the fact that prep was changed from 10 minutes to 8 minutes. I wish they had kept it, a 3 minute prep would have been awesome 🙂 I see why they didn’t though, it would have been a little silly how many you could vanish and stay alive.

    Well i hope to see some more good changes and fixes to one of the most fun classes to learn and play.

    PS. Fix Vanish plz 🙂

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