Archive for the Uncategorized Category


Posted in Uncategorized on February 17, 2010 by keari

I have quit WoW, no i wont be coming back. I deleted all my toons, my account. Its time for me to grow up and start a new chapter in my life.


Ensidia banned

Posted in Uncategorized on February 5, 2010 by keari

As many of yu know Ensidia hit banned for 72 hours for a exploit they say the had no idea thye were using. At first I was vey upset with blizzard buy as more facts came out I’m almost positive they knew about the exploit. Now either they are telling the truth or not we won’t know unless they post te video. If they don’t it’s more then likely they did cheat, but I’d like to give them a chance to show us the videos and prove blizzard wrong.

Dancing with Shadows: part 2

Posted in Uncategorized on February 4, 2010 by keari

With almost all rogues using attack power/stam gems or pure attack power most of you are going to want to go with the flow. Remember your not a normal rogue now, you either can stack stam, resil, or armor pen gems. well this spec is does. This spec is a spec that requires time, setup, and a lot of training.

Gem break down:
Stam- I would have to say only gem this if you are dirt poor or have no wanting to farm honor. The nice perk to all stam gems is your HP is just crazy! It will throw a lot of player off when they pop everythig and your not dead.

Resil- what you lack in pure damge you will gain in getting hit for less. With cheat death only working if you have a bunch or resil, stacking resil will make, it well worth getting. You will be CRT for less, dots won’t hurt as bad, and rogue that are spec mut won’t be able to kill you in 2 seconds.

Armor pen- I got the idea from my combat spec, I used my pve gear and tried daggers and holy crap! My crts were just massive! I’d highly recommend going armor pen. Highest CRT with ambush was 15k on a clothy in full pvp gear, almost a 1 shot. I’m currently working on geming my pvp gear with all armor pen, also going to be trying hemo with 2 2.60 speed axes.

More to come

End Part Two~

Edit: fixed my bad spelling>.<


Posted in Uncategorized on January 19, 2010 by keari

Still working on my shadow dance guide, it’s taking longer then I thought.

Cool news irl, wife and I found a house:) moving next week so my time is very limited.

In game wise it’s been slow.

Dancing with shadows: part 1

Posted in Uncategorized on January 11, 2010 by keari

Sorry for the lack of posting just finished up our move:) Hear is part 1:

Shadow dance…..not a popular word with rogues right now. Back in the BC days rogues were master of pvp, these days it seems less then honorable to call us masters.

Today rogues are looked at the “cheap” class cause we can lock down a target and still deal damage. Which I agree the “top” pvp spec right now is mut/sub, why? Well it give us the ability to use our vanish twice and thus giving us more control over our foes.

The spec is a slap in the face to skilled rogue players, it makes them lazy and for getting what makes a rogue a rogue. Mut/sub has zero mobility or any really good defense. Now I have really enjoyed the OPness(if you were) ofhe spec, but after being assassination for months and a mut pve spec it got really boring mashing 1 button.

I wanted something that would keep me on my toes. Enter Shadow Dance, oh how I have missed this tree. With this spec you have crazy field control, mobility, and a hell of a good time! Now till they fix hemo(very unlikely) you will have to spec sd/daggers, not a big issue but it has it’s moments. Honestly daggers is really fun and very hard to play correctly, unlike hemo were u just spam, lol, win.(I miss the bc days) SD uses a lot more thought as to were to strike, what to use when, and when to flee.

I will try to explain this spec as best I can but if you truely want to play a SD build go try it and learn by doing. All the guides I’ve found give you a basic idea but you will need to find your zen your way.

This is not for everyone, it can be frusterating at times. Only class I have issues with is warrors, cause of the lack of attacks you are able to use. Most of your energy goes to backstab, kidney shot, and gouge. You can put SS on your hot bar, but i feel it’s a waste of energy.

End Part One~

Happy new year!!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on January 1, 2010 by keari

Happy new year everyone!!!

What do u want to see this year in WoW?

I’d really love to see them fix vanish:) also some new mounts for each faction would be nice.

A lot to talk about this year, more guides for. Will be posting some videos. Also will be talking about shadowstep pvp and how it’s just awesome!!

Lord Marrowgar and you

Posted in Uncategorized on December 24, 2009 by keari

Lord Marrowgar has a couple of nice rogue pieces. On 10-man normal mode, if you’re running combat spec, you might like his axe – Bone Warden’s Splitter. All the agility-based dps will be rolling on the Shawl of Nerubian Silk.

If you’re killing him in 25-man raid, watch for Band of the Bone Colossus – a nice ring. Frostbitten Fur Boots is a nice piece of loot as well.

The Fight:
This is a 2 phase fight. Phase 1 is a tank and spank, phase 2 is a run around and stay out of the fire deal.

During phase 1 he will do a few things to you and your fellow raid members. This is the 10m
1: Saber Lash – Inflicts 200% weapon damage split evenly between the target and its 2 nearest allies.
2: Coldflame – Inflicts 6,000 Frost damage every 1 second for 3 seconds to anyone caught by the moving line of frost.
3: Bone Spike Graveyard – Hurls a spike at a random player, impaling all players between the boss and the target on Bone Spikes, inflicting 9,000 direct Physical damage, and additional 10% health as damage every 1 second until the spike is destroyed.
4: Bone Storm – Inflicts 6,000 Physical damage every 2 seconds to players caught in the Bone Storm. The entire storm lasts ~20 seconds.

Being the first boss of a new raid, Marrowgar is not an overly complicated fight. This fight requires 2 (25-player: 3) tanks, so that the Saber Lash cleave damage can be properly distributed among the tanks (like Nalorakk or Koralon the Flame Watcher). He will also target a random player with his Coldflame ability – preferring people at range. Only if everybody is inside his hitbox will the tanks be targeted. This projectile spreads a line of fire in its path which will inflict a decent amount of damage per second to anyone caught in it – simply taking a few steps aside is enough to avoid it.

Marrowgar’s Bone Spike Graveyard ability is another thing to watch out for – Marrowgar will choose one player (25-player: 3) to impale on a bone spike. Players between Marrowgar and the chosen targets will also be impaled. The player(s) will suffer physical damage, become incapacitated, and continue losing 10% health for every second they remain impaled. The DPS should kill the spikes as soon as possible.

The last thing to watch out for is the Bone Storm. DBM’s timer on it is pretty accurate, but watch his cast bar as well. This spell is similar to Stormcaller Brundir’s Lightning Tendrils, only dealing physical damage. Marrowgar will start a whirlwind, and practically charge random players (he moves very quickly), stay at their location for a few seconds (while in whirlwind), then switch targets. The Bone Storm doesn’t do a whole lot of damage, especially if you wear mail or plate – get out of it, but don’t panic, it’s not that deadly. It is also worth noting that everybody in the room will take damage based on proximity – players next to Marrowgar will take the full damage of the spell, while players in the far corners of the room will barely be hit. The part where things get ugly is when the boss goes back to his normal phase – he will reset aggro, which means he will go right after your healers. Have a designated tank taunt as quickly as possible (DBM’s timer is, again, accurate). You should probably even have your tanks go hug the boss during the last 3-4 seconds of the Bone Storm, just to make sure they are in range, and that they first Saber Slash is properly soaked.

Rogue Tips: A- even though he has a large hit box(if your healers are good) stand as close to him as possible to avoid Coldflame you can still be targeted by it but it will not hit you if you are close enough to the boss 🙂 B- he will Bone Storm 3 times as soon as he move for the third time wait 2-4 second stop dps and tricks one of the tanks, let them pick the boss back up then blow all your CDs to give them max agrro(cause remember its a agrro reset after the third time he moves while doing bonestorm. C- If a healer gets Bone Spike Graveyard and they are in reasonable range to you HELP GET THEM OUT! this will save your raid from possible wipes or anything else that might go wrong.

Combat VS Mutilate

Posted in Uncategorized on December 15, 2009 by keari

To start off sorry for not posting. Computer crashed just got it working:)

The change in 3.3 has given both combat and mutilate a large up in damage. With the hotfix nerf to mutilate combat seems to be the favored for higher dps. Rutpless spec is by far my favorite spec still, I just changed from mut to combat(after a good 2 months of mut) and it’s a nice change. Before the hotfix mut was by far the best spec, lossing 5% of that dps was a large hit to the poison buff. Both specs are still amazing dps. As of right now combat is the prefured spec:)

HFB, DPS, Coffee

Posted in Uncategorized on December 12, 2009 by keari

So I. Posting this on my lunch break, from my iPhone:) I work at starbucks:) Though I would give a update, guild downed first boss in ICC. Got very good attemps on lady deathwish. Video is coming soon, the software I use is giving me issues.

Didn’t even take blizzard a week to hot fix our dps buff. Hfb now only does 10% more damage. We still have large dps boost, just note hat your hfb icon will not be updated till who knows when.

Thankfully you won’t see your dps go down that much, 200ish at the max. I’ll post more later tonight.

Busy busy busy

Posted in Uncategorized on December 10, 2009 by keari

Sorry for the lack of posts. With the new patch, I’ve been hammering the new bosses with my guild. I am working on guild videos, and some how to stuff. Posts will come in a few days:)
